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The True Culprit Of Our Sadness

Content created by: Dr. Brandon Shapiro 
Co-Writer: Anita Burke 

Why do I use Yoda quotes? They rock! They are point on and if you are not familiar with our little wise man in burlap do not worry...I am here to help.
Helping shed light on a growing concern is my personal mission. I believe a sound mind and body will manifest all that is good in life, and "only the body heals itself". Hey, that's why I became a doctor in the first place, to spread this awareness to others.

"Luminous beings are we. Not this crude matter." 

Very true Yoda, you are so wise.

I feel compelled to share with you who the real culprit is which causes anger, stress, depression and anxiety. The actual higher meaning to our displeasure, disease and emotional roller coasters. Before I share this with you, let me tell you about my style. I am to the point, raw and tells it like it is. Why? I know what really goes on out there my friends, as a doctor I see many unbelievable things. You will find I practice what I preach and the path I advise others to lead is the path I myself follow. So if you know others who are struggling with life, health, emotional, physical and psychological turmoil then feel free to pass this message along.

"Beware of the Dark Side...anger, fear, aggression."

Even Yoda understands what the Dark Side really means! So here we go...what causes these fierce emotions to manifest and tips to start getting those bad boys under control!

#1: A subconscious awareness to an unfulfillment of ones life, mission, intention and direction. Put it this way, we all have a higher calling and if you do not feel this is true then it is time to wake up. Do you really feel we are put into this life to just work, get married, have kids, buy stuff, party, sit on our bums or read blogs all day (could not resist throwing that one in there). If you feel a "hamster wheel" lifestyle is your destiny then you have or possibly will fall into the Dark Side. We absolutely DO have a higher calling to which most of society has ignored which in turn causes dissatisfaction in their lives. Society seems to be focusing on the things that do NOT fulfill them., jewelry, trips, yada yada do not satisfy our need to follow a higher calling. We are in actuality turning our backs to our true destiny in life when we are caught up in these minor things.

#2 Unfulfillment and disconnect shows up as misdirected rage. So here we are, feeling emotionally disconnected without even realizing it, and what happens? Every type of negative emotion we can not control shows up. For example...have you ever had someone cut you off as you were driving? If so which personality type were you...A) "Oh thats ok, they were probably in a hurry and didnt see me, no worries" or B) "What the %*^@, learn to drive you piece of #@*!"
Well there you go. Sadly, I wish road rage was our worst misdirected rage. Taking our emotions out on other people, children, animals even ourselves has been the norm lately. Through verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional and mental abuse, even the nicest of folks can be subject to dissatisfaction showing up in one of these forms.

#3 Trauma and abuse will either make you or break you. Despite the obvious perception of anger here it actually is a guiding light or compass directing us towards what brings us joy and peace. Yes it can seem unfair and confusing to go through trauma which affect our world and being. Yet if we ignore the ultimate reason why these emotions exist we can not move from it, grow from it or help others do the same.

"Named must your fear be before banish it you can."

#4 When unfulfilled it puts the body in reactive fight or flight mode. Your body is screaming OVERLOAD OVERLOAD! Like running your car in overdrive and revving your RPMs up to 10,000. That cant be good for anyone! Ignoring this overload will show up in other ways besides aggression. It is almost impossible to cultivate positive attitudes and beliefs when we are stuck in survival mode. In women it is also known as "fat", sorry to bring up such a touchy subject but you will thank me later. So NO...diets, pills, yada yada will not be your answer to this weight loss question. Fat melts away when you are ready to admit why you are storing it. Depression, stress, trauma, sadness, dissatisfaction of oneself come from this unfulfilled need from our higher calling. Yes my friends, it all ties in together.

"The Dark Side clouds everything. Impossible to see the future is."

My two cents: If this "dark side" is not resolved it will manifest into disease and ill health. Do yourself a favor, take baby steps if you must, and take a leap of faith. You may not have the career you pictured yourself having but you still have a chance to make it a hobby. Think of the movie Wild Hogs for this example. Suburban dentist finally looses it. Yet he did something about it did he not? Through moving from his comfort zone the dentist finally gained a little more happiness.
Also, focus on activities that bring you joy. Giving is more powerful than getting my friends. Try it out, make this a month of giving, not turning your back on others, noticing the people around you and if they could use assistance or a kind gesture. Always smile at little children, heck, smile at everyone!
Lastly, and my most powerful suggestion. Stay away from medications and anything you put into the body that is not from the earth. Your doctor, out of habit and other such nonsense I will share on another blog, will give you a "quick fix". Run Forrest Run! Don't give in to the microwave affect of living. Life is a process, a journey and the path you are on should not be questioned just followed. So anything that alters your body and mind will alter your ability to rise above this "dark side".

"Once you start down the Dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will."

In summary, there really is no culprit. It is just the calling which we need to embrace. Realize your destiny is bigger than you can imagine. Read inspiring books, stay away from senseless television shows and movies, and for Yoda's sake quit living to satisfy your ego! (what a great topic for my next blog)

Peace, health and yada yada...Brandon...with a little help from my wife, Anita


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